Get the Complete River of Gold ebook!

Download the full River of Gold story as an ebook

All 6 Parts of our River of Gold series are now available to download for free at DriveThruRPG and DriveThruFiction!

Throughout July, you read (and listened to) the plans of the Crab, Crane, Scorpion and Mantis Clans on how to deal with the pirates plaguing the River of Gold, one of Rokugan’s most vital arteries of trade. You voted on which of those clan’s leaders you believe formulated the plan with the best chance of defeating the so-called “pirate prince”. The results of your vote will have ripple effects on the upcoming Clan Wars storyline, continuing L5R’s long tradition of the fans steering the outcome of the story.

If you haven’t heard the first 5 parts, we won’t spoil the final one. So, who has been favored to take on the pirate prince, and will their plan succeed?

Get the complete River of Gold ebook at DriveThruRPG or DriveThruFiction now and get the board game wherever you pick up your games!

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